International Welding Fair ExpoWELDING 2022

The eighth edition of the ExpoWELDING International Welding Fair is behind us. At this year's event, almost one hundred exhibitors, including Easy Robots. In total, the fair was visited over 3,300 professionals who deal with welding on a daily basis or are looking for solutions to optimize production in their companies. 

Our company had the pleasure of exhibiting at this event for the first time. We presented it to visitors small, robotic welding station EasyCell. To illustrate the operation of the robot itself and the possibilities of its work we have prepared a program that simulated the welding of details provided by one of our clients

This small, compact solution attracted many customers interested in welding robotization to our stand. Thanks to this, during the event we conducted several dozen very specific conversations regarding robotization and automation plans of companies. Easy Cell is just an example of our products for welding. It illustrates the potential offered by other, larger welding stations implemented with ES5 and ES8 robots. 

Moreover, many of the interlocutors asked about possibility of using tax relief for robotization of the welding station and related training. Because each of our solutions meets the requirements of the Act, the costs related to the investment will easily qualify for relief.

We would like to thank everyone visiting our stand. We believe that our joint conversations will turn into many interesting projects that we will soon implement together.

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