
Each industry is different and requires solutions that will be individually tailored to its needs. For this reason, industrial robots face many tasks - in this aspect our products can be 100% tailored to the needs of each industry, as well as the manufacturer.

We provide access to the technology that can be adapted to various tasks. Robots can operate single machines as well as be part of extensive technological lines.

Operation of CNC machines

Operating machines is a repetitive activity. This makes BOX CNC robotic stations often more effective in the long run. Industrial robots do not make errors due to fatigue. Moreover, they have a high ability to integrate with CNC machines. Each robot takes parts with surgical precision, places them in the right place, then puts them back in the designated position and repeats the entire process. The machines are efficient, effective and easy to program.

Plastic processing

Industrial robots allow you to increase the efficiency of work related to repetitive activities. Very often, manufacturers are currently meeting the growing demand of customers for individual orders. The employee needs time to change his basic assumptions in the implementation of projects. In turn, the industrial manipulator requires only the implementation of new software. It is an effective and efficient tool that allows better management of human resources.

Plastic processing of metal

This sector is characterized by the potential danger for workers. For this reason, it is worth limiting their contact with machines or duties related to plastic processing of metal. The industrial robot is a solution that allows you to automate production and is able to adapt to the constantly changing design assumptions. In addition, industrial manipulators can be integrated with other machines, such as press brakes, guillotines, hydraulic presses or punching machines.

Assembly and screwing

Each task performed on the production site requires very high precision. In turn, each error causes complaint costs, as well as irreversible consumption of materials. The solution is automated stations equipped with or robots that allow for precise processing, assembly, and then fitting the elements together using force sensors. Each machine can be supplied with a toolkit suitable for the components to be connected to each other.


It seems to be a process that is not particularly demanding – the truth is, however, that it is a precise activity that, in the case of, for example, motoring, requires concentration for many hours. The industrial robot allows for precise control of the polishing force, while maintaining precise pressure on the entire surface.

Other applications

Robotics in industry has unlimited applications. This applies to industries as well as activities that can be automatically performed by machines on the company's premises. Our devices can be equipped with a package of various specialist tools. The implementation of robotic arms or robotic positions is an investment in the future that pays off in any case – it is worth adding that usually in a fairly short time.


Robotization of the welding process allows you to reduce unnecessary expenses in the case of human resources. Moreover, it is a repetitive operation that is easy to program. The industrial robot will perform precisely most of the work that does not have to be carried out by employees. The solution allows for various types of welding with the use of MIG, MAG and TIG methods. The implementation also reduces the risk related to accidents at work.

Palletizing and packing

Duties related to repetitive activities, such as palletizing or packaging, can be precisely performed by industrial robots . They can be fully programmed and adapted to the company's needs. Manipulators are also compatible with supplier tasks. Each machine can optimize the distribution of products, finished products or raw materials. You can also specify whether the listed items will be packed in pallets or multi-packs. The devices allow you to relieve employees and effortlessly transport palletized items. Palletization can take place on both small and larger surfaces. Each station can be adapted to any types of pallets and collective packaging used in the industry.

Loading and unloading

Each plant and production company requires the implementation of systems that facilitate basic loading and unloading processes. In this aspect, industrial robots allow for a much faster delivery of raw materials necessary for realisation, as well as a much simpler and more effective product distribution system. It is the perfect solution to the extremely important problem of efficiently moving parts or finished products from point A to point B.

Tests and control

Production is one thing – but before distribution it is necessary to control the quality of finished products. It is a very repetitive work that requires high precision. For this reason, it often turns out that a person is unable to fulfill it for a longer period. An intelligent robot allows for much more effective supervision of individual parts leaving production lines. It is enough to use a single camera as well as a number of sensors that provide full control over the course of the process.


This is a highly precise task that can be easily automated. The application of paint is repeatable, especially in the case of a limited range of products. In such a situation, industrial robots enable faster and more effective production processes. Manipulators are powder, spray and airbrushing. They combine 100% safety with reliability and accuracy.

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