Industry 4.0 – what is it?

Industry 4.0 - what is it?

Industry 4.0 – what is it? Humanity has so far witnessed three great industrial revolutions that have changed our world beyond recognition and given us completely new opportunities in many areas of life. We're talking about the invention of steam engines,...
Building an industrial robot

Building an industrial robot

Building an industrial robot Many of us know robots only from science fiction movies or associate them with kitchen appliances. However, industrial robots are currently machines without which it is difficult to imagine a modern production plant. Technology development...
Industry 4.0 – what is it?

How are industrial robots different from other robots?

How do industrial robots differ from other robots? Various types of industrial robots are increasingly appearing in industrial halls. Depending on the tasks they are to perform, they differ in structure, functionality and names. What's the difference between...
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